According to the police, a man attacked passers-by in Rotterdam with a knife. One person was killed and another seriously injured, police in the Dutch port city said on X. The 22-year-old suspected ...
With 72 paintings, sculptures and silhouettes, the Fondation Beyeler in Riehen BS is presenting a major Henri Matisse retrospective. The exhibition covers all the creative phases of the French master ...
However, a prerequisite for the launch of electronic legal transactions is that the federal government has introduced the electronic identity (E-ID) by then, the press release stated. The E-ID is ...
The Taliban, who rule Afghanistan, have imposed strict limits on their religious scholars with a draconian decree. "The venerable scholars should strictly avoid raising issues that lead to controversy ...
A building complex belonging to a transport company in Valzeina GR burned down completely on Friday night - along with dozens of vehicles. A large fire department contingent of 70 firefighters ...
The Swiss team will be defending its title in the mixed team competition at the World Cycling Championships in Zurich on Wednesday without Stefan Küng and Mauro Schmid. The duo will not take part in ...
La Chambre disciplinaire du Sport suisse annonce avoir sanctionné un gymnaste suisse non nommé exerçant également une ...
Was nach einem idyllischen Wochenendausflug aussieht, wird für eine Familie plötzlich zum Albtraum. Das Mainstream-Remake des ...
Ein alkoholisierter Autofahrer ist in der Nacht auf Freitag auf der A2 in Rothenburg LU verunfallt. Beim Überholen geriet ...
Un ressortissant suisse a été grièvement blessé dans l'attaque au couteau qui a fait un mort jeudi soir à Rotterdam, a ...
Un complesso edilizio di un'azienda di trasporti a Valzeina (GR) è andato completamente a fuoco la scorsa notte, insieme a ...
Le procès d'un grand-père jugé à Bourg-en-Bresse pour viol et agressions sexuelles, notamment sur sa petite-fille, s'est ...